Do you love singing and have some spare time on a Thursday evening? Stannington Choir always have a short break for the holiday season in August but we thought this year it would be great to end and restart with an Open evening.
You can come along for free and find out what it’s like to sing in your local choir. See how we sing in parts and harmonies and the sort of things we like to sing (which includes everything from pop, rock, musicals and films to classic works and the Christmas carols of course.
We are going to run to very laid-back sessions learning something new and simple to start off and these are going to be:-
Thursday 25th July 2019
Thursday 29th August 2019
Singing is a great way to relax and destress and also to meet new people with tea and cake available in the break. So, come along and give the choir a try. For more information about the choir take a look at our website to see what we do and where we are or give us a call for a chat.
Just a reminder that in between there won’t be any practices.

Joan Riley
Do you mean 1 Aug. for last rehearsal and not 29 July?
David Cartwright
Hi Joan the last practice for Summer was on Thursdya 25th July.
We come back on August 29th with another open evening.
Have a great Summer all the best
David Cartwright Chairman of SMC
Joan Riley
Thanks – see you then!